13 Unique and Affordable Attractions Your Kids will Enjoy
Are you looking for something different to do with your kids? Chicagoland is filled with so many unique and out of the ordinary [and affordable!] attractions…. you just have to know where to find ‘em!

30+ Nature Centers in the Chicagoland Suburbs
Nature centers are probably the most underrated forms of family-friendly entertainment and activities. Educational exhibits, hands-on interactive learning, indoor and outdoor programs… and all for FREE — what’s not to love about it!

Free and Affordable Places to Take Your Kids When on a Budget
Taking your kids on adventures gets expensive. Luckily, Chicago and the suburbs have so many affordable hidden gems that you can take your kids to— many of them for FREE!

Must Visit Museums to take your kids to in Chicago
This is your guide to family-friendly museums in Chicago and the suburbs! From our favorites like the Shedd Aquarium and the Museum of Science & Industry, to the obscure ones like the Busy Beaver Button Company and the Sock Monkey Museum; Chicago truly has it all.