Water Amusement Parks in Illinois and Northern Indiana
For those with older kids, sometimes they want more than a small aquatic center and swimming pool, and that’s ok! Good thing is, we have some very thrilling water amusement parks near us, that can feed those adventure-seekers of yours!

45+ Splash Pads to Visit this Summer in Chicago
Splash pads are the best summer water activity to do with young kids! It doesn’t take as much work as it does going to a beach, and there’s no safety worries as there are with swimming pools. Instead, your child gets to run around the entire zero-depth splash pad, with lots of water play activities and spray features!

10 Outdoor Swimming Pools in Lake County Illinois
Do you get sick of going to the same ole’ swimming pools? Then it’s a good thing that Lake County IL has so many options! See our 10 favorite family aquatic centers in the far North suburbs.